


lawn, drought, urban landscape, Cynodon dactylon , cereals, lawn biotope, ecology


The article highlights the little-researched issues of the components of the lawn industry from the point of view of the ecology of lawn biotopes and the physiology of lawn grasses, which determine the sustainability of urbocenoses due to the ability to resist the effects of global climate changes. The ways of their development, exploitation and harmonization are indicated. It is shown that lawns are an integral part of green construction objects, any green composition. Ecological, climateforming, social, cultural, historical and symbolic functions of lawns are considered. It is shown that for the successful exploitation of lawns, it is necessary to take into account the influence of global climate changes, accordingly to optimize the species composition of lawn grasses that are resistant to drought and trampling. Clarifying the ecological role of lawns in the formation of the microclimate of urbanized spaces will allow the development of methodological approaches for the rational exploitation of lawns, taking into account the impact of global climate changes. One of the promising representatives of grasses for creating lawns are species of the Cynodon genus, in particular Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.. The use of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. in the creation of lawn turf in the urban environment will significantly improve the decorativeness of lawn coverings while significantly saving irrigation resources. It is recommended to form a single-species Cynodon dactylon biotope in urban lawns, to limit the process of seed reproduction by mowing the lawn before the grass stand enters the earing phase, to control the transfer of sod to prevent clogging of adjacent agrocenoses and garden plots. It should be noted that such lawn coverings during long-term operation in urbanized spaces are more attractive in terms of the cost of their use and maintenance. In order to plan lawns to improve the eco-sanitary state of the city, taking into account the features caused by global climate changes, the involvement and close cooperation of botanists, plant physiologists, breeders, ecologists, and landscape designers is necessary, which will allow implementing the latest scientific developments in applied projects.

Author Biographies

Nataliya Taran, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, ESC Institute of Biology and Medicine

Oksana Kosyk, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, Associate Professor, ESC Institute of Biology and Medicine

Lyudmila Batsmanova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, Senior Researcher, ESC Institute of Biology and Medicine

Pavlo Turitsa, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Master of Horticulture


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How to Cite

Taran, N., Kosyk, O., Batsmanova, L., & Turitsa, P. (2023). LAWN IN THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN OF URBAN SPACES. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 221–227.

