
  • Tetiana Malik Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design
  • Anna Lipovska Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design



children’s club, children’s space, out-of-school education, educational institution, design, interior, children, techniques, research


The scientific problem is determined by the principles of interior design of outof- school educational institutions for children, aimed at forming a harmonious artistic and aesthetic image of the institution. The relevance of the study is due to the need to improve approaches to the formation of a developing environment in out-of-school educational institutions. The effectiveness of out-of-school education is now an integral part of the process of improving the social culture of the population, which forms a positive image of our country. Social architecture and design are constantly changing and developing, integrating the latest technologies and traditional techniques. The scientific novelty is an integrated approach to the design of the interiors of out-of-school educational institutions for children, taking into account the principles of design aimed at educating a person with a high level of spirituality and culture, who can independently make important decisions, flexibly respond to changing circumstances, and think creatively. For the first time, the problem of interior and exterior design of out-of-school educational institutions is comprehensively considered; it is determined that in order to overcome social deprivation and deviant behavior, it is important to introduce and use the principles of interior design that increase the self-esteem of pupils of institutions through creative stimulation, vocational guidance techniques and the use of the positive influence of thematic concepts of the unity of nature and man; the principles and techniques in the design of interiors of institutions are determined. In the introduction, the relevance of the study was substantiated, the purpose and corresponding tasks were set, the object and subject of scientific work were formulated. In accordance with this, the scientific novelty was determined and the practical and theoretical value of the work was clarified, the results of the study were presented. Typological principles of forming the spatial environment of a country children’s club were determined. The experience of designing foreign and local institutions of out-of-school education was worked out.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Malik, Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design


Anna Lipovska, Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design

Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Environment Design


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How to Cite

Malik, T., & Lipovska, A. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF THE FORMATION OF THE SPACE OF A COUNTRY CHILDREN’S CLUB. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 175–183.

