


shopping and entertainment center, glass ceiling, public space, interior design, ecological style, internal environment, communicative space, architectural element, design solution, visual picture, lighting


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of glass ceilings in the design of shopping and entertainment centers. Glass plays an important role in the interior and has turned out to be so trendy that recently it has become fashionable, stylish and truly beautiful. In a modern interior, glass can be the main building and finishing material. Results. The article argues that the modern pace of life in cities has reached the point where a person needs a minimum of time and a maximum of mobility to meet his needs (namely shopping trips). It is noted that shopping and entertainment centers should be comfortable for visitors in all senses of the word. A wide selection of glass ceilings and materials from which they are made is presented. It has been proven that with constructive solutions using glass, the operating time of artificial lighting, the use of electricity and its costs are reduced, which leads to the preservation of the environment. Attention was paid to the location of the shopping center and the features of the topology. K. Sesman, S. Bessemer, V. Abyzov considered the spatial organization of trade establishments. From the point of view of psychology, aesthetics and ergonomics, D. Panero and H. Shteinbach investigated the peculiarities of the organization of interior space. Nowadays, when globalization processes are turning cities into metropolises, it is very difficult to spend your time on purchases. Therefore, such a phenomenon as shopping and entertainment centers has gained great popularity. To create a comfortable and stylish space, such architectural types of buildings as an arcade, arcade, gallery, and atrium are used in the design of shopping malls. They are best suited for creating retail spaces and a unique style. The above types of buildings in combination with a glass ceiling create a wonderful visual effect. The glass ceiling illuminates the space and visually makes it larger. At the same time, artificial lighting is used as an aid, which diffuses light from a large area and imitates natural light in those corners where it is not enough. Taking into account the above facts, it is necessary to consider the design of the interior of the mall, to take into account any circumstances, the location of this or that item, furniture, facades, etc., so that visitors receive aesthetic and emotional satisfaction. Practical relevance. The article examines the peculiarities of using glass in the design of shopping and entertainment centers, namely in the arrangement of glass ceilings, and summarizes its practical characteristics. The design of glass ceilings and their elements should be combined in the general composition of the shopping center, so that visitors feel comfortable and safe, as well as ensure the stylistic integrity of the interior environment and the artistic solution of the center.

Author Biography

Liliia Gnatiuk, National Aviation University

Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies of Design and Graphics


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, A., & Gnatiuk, L. (2023). GLASS CEILINGS IN SHOPPING AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 158–164.

