


printmaking, engraving, xylography, butterfly, Arkady and Gennady Pugachevsky, Kyiv school, bookplate, graphic arts of small forms, contrast, symbol, palette


The article is dedicated to the work of representatives of the Kyiv school of printmaking, Arkady and Gennady Pugachevsky, who are known both for their easel graphics in the technique of plastic engraving, and bookplates, both in color and in black and white. Purpose of scientific development is to update the little-studied and insufficiently popularized work of Kyiv xylography masters. This goal can be achieved primarily thanks to the analysis of the symbolism of their engraving using the example of the semantics of the image of a butterfly, which is one of the most used symbols of the graphic work of artists. Methodology. The analysis of the material was carried out thanks to the involvement of a toolkit of complex, comparative, chronological, iconographic methods, which made it possible to comprehensively consider the work of representatives of the two generations, compare the features of their artistic language, the principles of image creation, and highlight the complex stylistic features of each. This made it possible to analyze the meaning of the symbolism of the graphics of A. and H. Pugachevsky using the example of the semantics of the butterfly in their work. Results. The work of Arkady and Gennady Pugachevsky, representatives of the Kyiv xylography school, is fruitful material for creating an imagination about the principles of modern graphic design, analyzing their attraction to the symbolism of artistic language. A comparative analysis of the complex of stylistic features of individual creative manners of representatives of different generations was made using the example of engraving by A. and G. Pugachevsky. The main material for the art analysis is the corpus of plastic engravings, the compositions of which contain the image of butterflies as one of the most used graphic symbols of these two Kyiv artists. The butterfly is positioned as a symbol, the semantics of which is considered, an indicator of the technological skill of the authors, a successful tool for demonstrating the professional level of a master of printmaking who are experts in multi-colored xylography. Scientific novelty. The article is one of the few investigations devoted to the work of Kyiv masters of xylography, who are known primarily for multi-colored plastic engraving. The semantics of the butterfly in the corpus of their engravings as a separate field of art historical analysis became an object of scientific interest for the first time. Practical relevance of intelligence. Multi-color engravings, printed from five or more plates, were analyzed, the complexity of the printmaking process when combining colors was emphasized, a number of were analyzed for the first time, which can serve as a basis for further scientific and educational and methodological explorations devoted to the technological aspect of printmaking.

Author Biographies

Yuliia Romanenkova, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Chair of Design

Yuriy Yefimov, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Senior Lecturer, Chair of Design

Nataliya Syniavska, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Senior Lecturer, Chair of Design


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How to Cite

Romanenkova, Y., Yefimov, Y., & Syniavska, N. (2023). THE SEMANTICS OF THE BUTTERFLY IN THE PRINTMAKING BY ARKADY AND GENNADY PUGACHEVSKY. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 150–157.

