


mannequin, information and advertising occasion, window display design, stylized figure, communication in the fashion industry, visual culture


Mannequin design in the discourse of multiculturalism. Considering the design of mannequins as one of the promising and self-sufficient areas of modern design practice, the authors of the article focus on the influence of such a phenomenon of a globalized society as multiculturalism on this area. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in mannequin design that have emerged due to this influence, as well as to establish the circumstances that have caused them. Methodology. To achieve this goal, the methodology is defined, which includes a historical and cultural approach, within which the processes of stylization of mannequins’ appearance – modification of the body and face – are subject to analysis. Through historical, comparative and figurative and stylistic analysis, the article shows how the use of certain mannequin stylizations in the fashion industry was segmented. Results. It is revealed that the design of mannequins has undergone fundamental conceptual changes during its development. They were formed from the detailed copying of anatomically realistic forms of mannequins to the extreme stylization of these forms in mannequins as art objects. From styling mannequins to look like real people to styling models on runways as modified forms of mannequins. It has been established that at the beginning of the XXI century, the trend of stylizing the bodies of mannequins to represent representatives of certain ethnic (national) groups has become actualized, which is due to the concept of multiculturalism. It is shown that modern technologies, in particular, 3D modeling and printing, play a significant role in this. Examples of the development of such mannequins by well-known brands are given. Scientific novelty. The authors consistently prove the role and importance of mannequin design that meets modern social needs in the discourse of the dominant trends of globalization and multiculturalism. In fact, it is the disclosure of this aspect that constitutes the scientific novelty of the study and will soon have real practical application in the design of mannequins, in the stylization of their bodies, due to fashion trends and trends in visual merchandising and visual culture of our time in general.

Author Biographies

Peiwei Liu, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts

PhD student at the Department of Fabric and Clothing Design, Faculty of Environment Design

Oksana Lahoda, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Department of Fabric and Clothing Design, Faculty of Environment Design


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How to Cite

Liu, P., & Lahoda, O. (2023). THE DESIGN OF MANNEQUINS IN THE DISCOURSE OF MULTICULTURALISM. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 142–149.

