



architecture, urban planning, urban environment, terrorism, terrorist act, anti-terrorist activity, risk assessment, security, physical protection of elements of the urban environment, formation of protection against terrorist attacks in the urban environment by urban planning and architectural and planning means


The article defines the concept of terrorism, outlines the directions that contribute to the implementation of a terrorist act. It is highlighted that the anti-terrorist security of Ukraine is being formed as a state system of combating terrorism. The content of protection and countermeasures against terrorism is determined in the conditions of the formation of a tendency to increase the levels of public danger. The need for urban planning and architectural and planning measures to counter terrorist acts in the urban environment is noted. The general theoretical principles of the formation of protection against terrorist attacks in the urban environment by urban planning and architectural and planning means are considered. Changes in the content, forms and methods of modern terrorism are identified: new styles of terrorism around the world – attacks on important educational, commercial or government buildings with large crowds of people, threats to disrupt everyday urban life, the growth of the number of terrorist groups and actions of individual terrorists, committing terrorist attacks in cities, the spread of terrorism in urban open spaces. Recommendations for physical protection of elements of the urban environment are considered. The concept of terrorism is specified, the concept of a terrorist act is defined and its most frequent implementation in the form of conflicts and criminal acts in the urban environment, the directions that contribute to the implementation of a terrorist act are outlined. The need for urban planning and architectural planning measures to ensure protection from TA, physical and psychological comfort in the urban environment is indicated. Probable connections between terrorist acts in the urban environment, physical protection of elements of the urban environment, and the psychological state of users of the urban environment have been revealed. Features of anti-terrorist protection of elements of the urban environment are considered. The aim. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of anti-terrorist protection of elements of the urban environment as information support for state authorities and special services, use for urban planning and planning measures improving and optimizing the system of physical protection of elements of the urban environment. Materials and methods. In the course of the study, studies of Ukrainian and foreign scientists and specialists in safety issues were used.

Author Biographies

Oktyabrina Chemakina, Kyiv International University

Candidate of Architecture, Рrofessor, Department of Construction and Architecture

Nataliya Avdeeva, Separate structural unit “Institute of Innovative Education of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture”

Сandidate of Аrchitecture, Аssociate Рrofessor, Рrofessor of the Department of Architectural and Project Affairs

Myhailo Butyk, Kyiv International University

Аrchitect, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture


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How to Cite

Chemakina, O., Avdeeva, N., & Butyk, M. (2023). FEATURES OF ANTI-TERRORIST PROTECTION ELEMENTS OF THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 127–132. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-8151.2023.27.16

