


theory of architecture, architectural environment, theatricalization, mise-en-scène, urban space, synthesis of art


The article analyzes the architectural environment of the city based on theatrical techniques for organizing the stage space and principles of constructing mise-enscène, and confirms the legitimacy of this theatrical approach for studying architecture. The similarity between the theatricalization of the architectural environment and the theatrical construction of the stage space arose and became relevant due to digital culture, under the influence of which the architectural environment increasingly acquires signs of spectacularity, theatricality, and cinematography. The method of comparative analysis of artistic expressive means used in the theater during the performance, with the techniques and principles of constructing the architectural environment of the city, allowed for finding similarities in approaches that are based on the peculiarities of perception of both the stage space and the urban space. The classifications of theatrical mise-en-scènes, their characteristics and principles of construction, are analyzed, and their correspondence in the architectural environment of the city is found. It is revealed that the same object, depending on the viewing point, can create different mise-en-scènes of the architectural space of the city. It is determined that the structural elements of the stage, such as scenery, props, and stage properties, have also found their expression in the architectural environment of the city. Architectural decorations are the facades of buildings and everything else that limits the space in which the action takes place. The concept of theatrical decorations correlates with the concept of architectural simulacra. An analogue of theatrical props in the urban space can be considered all those objects with which people interact, often physically. The importance of decorations and props in the architectural environment, which are meta-communicative messages of place, its markers, as well as objects on the stage (theatrical props) are markers of time and place of action, is discussed. It is noted that in the architectural space of a city, as well as on a stage, different scenarios may exist - light, color, sound, informational, technical, etc., which require separate study.

Author Biography

Olena Troshkina, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture

Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Troshkina, O. (2023). PRINCIPLES OF THEATRICAL MISE-EN-SCÈNE IN THE ARCHITECTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE CITY. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 118–126.

