


railway station complex, high-speed train traffic, design principles, location of stations in the city


The purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects for the realization of high-speed traffic in Ukraine, to assess a number of indicators: priority destinations, travel time, convenience of station complexes and their connection with the city infrastructure. Based on the experience of countries with a developed network of high-speed highways, formulate the main requirements for station complexes that serve passenger transportation at high speeds. As well as determining the most useful options for implementation in Ukraine. Taking into account the fact that the prospects for the construction of high-speed highways determine a number of issues on the arrangement of new or modernization of existing station complexes, there are tasks for the rational use of urban territory, redevelopment of railway stations, ensuring comfortable access of passengers to the train. The paper analyzes the general principles of designing railway station complexes in the organization of high-speed traffic. The analysis made it possible to outline the most rational prerequisites for Ukraine for the construction of high-speed railway station complexes. Scientific research of foreign scientists in different countries of the world and the analysis conducted by the authors allowed to identify several groups of strategic value, which are provided by the convenient location of the station and its service by all types of public transport. The authors provide an example of a door-to-door trip from the passenger’s point of view, which allows to better understand the principles of high-speed stations location. The construction of a new station or modernization of the existing one, as a rule, leads to changes in the development plans for the development and reconstruction of the adjacent territory: existing buildings and structures are reconstructed, new residential complexes, offices, trade facilities and other social facilities appear.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Stepanchuk, National Aviation University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Departmеnt of Architecture

Oksana Chernyshova, National Aviation University

Doctor of Рhilosophy (PhD), Associate Professor, Departmеnt of Architecture


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