revitalization of abandoned buildings of the common European heritage, formative role of urban and spatial factors, adaptive architectureAbstract
The article is dedicated to determining the formative role of urban planning and spatial factors in volumetric-planning solutions for adaptive architecture and the application of principles and methods in the revitalization of abandoned buildings that are part of the shared European heritage. The authors, examining real sacred buildings, namely synagogues in the cities of Zhovkva and Brody, demonstrate the dependence on the application of certain methods and principles of adaptive architecture in the revitalization of these buildings and the adaptation of their spatial environment to modern needs in terms of urban planning and spatial conditions. Research objective. Adaptation of abandoned heritage buildings to meet the demands of the time while adhering to the principles of sustainable development and utilizing innovations in design and construction. Research methodology. The study was conducted based on a systematic approach: analyzing the state of the architectural heritage building, its impact on the urban planning situation, developing a conceptual vision of the building with a new functional purpose while applying special revitalization methods. Results. The main task of revitalization is to restore the lost functions of buildings that have historical and cultural value and require preservation or to provide them with new functions if the original ones have been lost. Buildings that have lost their original function and their significance in the social and cultural space of the city are abandoned and currently in a neglected state. Abandoned and semi-ruined buildings create a dissonance in the urban landscape. Restoring harmony to the urban environment is possible through revitalizing abandoned historic heritage buildings. When carrying out revitalization projects, the authors studied the formative role of urban and spatial factors in the volumetric and planning solutions of adaptive architecture, and accordingly selected the most acceptable principles and methods of design. The architectural and spatial solutions of the revitalization projects of the synagogue buildings in the city of Zhovkva and the city of Brody of the Lviv region are significantly different, as the objects are located in different historically inherited urban planning formations and spatial conditions. In the revitalization project of the Zhovkva synagogue building, which is territorially and spatially limited by urban and structural elements of the city, the newly created space is designed as an inserted mobile space into the existing environment, which has the ability to transform in space and time depending on the client’s needs, while preserving the architectural and artistic authenticity of the monument of sacred architecture. Unlike the synagogue in the city of Zhovkva, the Brodivska synagogue dominates in the open space of the urban development, which allows for the construction and creation of an architectural ensemble of public space and trade and leisure facilities that harmoniously combine the urban space with the surrounding and internal environment of the newly created complex. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a conceptual vision of changing the functional purpose of synagogue buildings in the cities of Zhovkva and Brody has been proposed in accordance with modern needs. Practical significance. The research results can be used in the revitalization of abandoned synagogues on the territory of Ukraine and the adaptation of their buildings to new conditions when giving them a new functional purpose.
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