


metal structures, spatial coverings, constructive solutions, strength, stability, rigidity, covering elements, rod structure, effort, deformations


The article deals with the problem of choosing the structural form of the building covering to effectively ensure the performance of its functions. The main criteria when choosing a form: functionality and structural reliability. Coatings are a system of volumetric elements, so-called structural blocks. The operation of the spatial coating may change if the position of the rods in its elements changes. A selective analysis of the design solutions of individual coating elements was carried out, taking into account the effective operation of the coating components. Purpose. Determination of the rational type of coating taking into account the efficiency of its operation in various constructive options. Methodology. The choice of the form of the covering is carried out with the help of numerical optimization methods, which are implemented with the involvement of computer tools by choosing rational constructive solutions of individual elements of the covering with the most effective use of their components. Results. The operation of the rod structure was evaluated by the value of forces and deformation of the coating depending on the directions of the location of the rods in its elements. Force factors and deformations change their values and signs. The rods with the maximum values of forces are detected. The assessment of the deformation of the shape of the coating due to the structural change of the constituent elements is given. Scientific novelty. With regard to the proposed system options, the shortest path from the points of perception of external force actions to the points of their transmission in the structure was analyzed. The choice of a rational form is carried out by analyzing the change in the stress-strain state of the spatial covering. Practical relevance. The main requirements for metal structures are compliance of the structural form with functional, aesthetic and operational characteristics. Research can bring benefits, because when designing specific objects, there is a need to find new constructive solutions that meet the tasks set for the spatial structure, taking into account the specifics of its work.

Author Biographies

Ihor Mashkov, National Aviation University

Senior lecturer of the Department of Computer Technologies of Airport Construction and Reconstruction

Svitlana Skrebnieva, National Aviation University

Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies of Airport Construction and Reconstruction

Dariia Baranetska, National Aviation University

Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Computer Technologies of Construction and Reconstruction of airports

Anna Hlushanytsia, National Aviation University

Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Computer technologies of Construction and Reconstruction of airports


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How to Cite

Mashkov, I., Skrebnieva, S., Baranetska, D., & Hlushanytsia, A. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE SPATIAL COVERING ELEMENTS. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 63–68.

