


functional adaptation, cultural heritage, restoration, private initiative, public partnership


The article discusses the importance of preserving historical environments, in particular, the connection between architectural landmarks and the urban setting. The value of monuments as an economic resource is noted, as well as the problems of the Great Restoration in Ukraine and the issue of adapting architectural landmarks to changes in their functional purpose. The article analyzes in detail the historical sequence of the development of the practice of adapting cultural heritage objects and describes the problems that have arisen at different times and their consequences. The modern mechanisms for preserving monuments at the legislative level are described in detail, and investment problems in the field of cultural heritage conservation are outlined. The article also draws attention to the problems of preserving cult buildings, provides examples of functional adaptation of these buildings that are architectural landmarks, describes different options for preservation, and provides examples of adaptation and changes in their function. Purpose – the article explores the important problem of preserving cultural heritage and proposes ways to solve it. Methodology. The methods of system-structural, comparative analysis, and the method of summarizing positive and negative experience in domestic and foreign practice were used. Results. The article provides examples of successful adaptation of architectural landmarks to changes in their functional purpose, which allows preserving the structures and using them in modern life. The authors of the article share their experience and recommendations for the preservation and restoration of architectural landmarks, in particular, they emphasize the importance of involving the public in the process of preserving cultural heritage and the need to increase citizens’ awareness of the value of architectural landmarks. In addition, the article provides examples of successful adaptation of architectural landmarks with a change in their functional purpose, allowing for the preservation of structures and their use in modern life. The authors of the article share their experience and recommendations for the preservation and restoration of architectural landmarks, including emphasizing the importance of involving the public in the process of preserving cultural heritage and the need to increase citizens’ awareness of the value of architectural landmarks. Therefore, the article is an important supplementary material for studying the issues of preserving cultural heritage and restoring architectural landmarks. The authors of the article analyzed various aspects of this problem, provided recommendations for improving the process of preserving and restoring cultural heritage, and also emphasized the importance of public support in solving this problem.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Zdetovetska, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Senior Lecturer, Department of Architectural Design of Civil Buildings and Structures

Oksana Kovalska, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Ph. D. Department of Architectural Design of Civil Buildings and Structures


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How to Cite

Zdetovetska, N., & Kovalska, O. (2023). ADAPTATION AND PRESERVATION OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE: ISSUES OF EFFECTIVE UTILIZATION. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 49–56.

