


formation, sacred space, sacred architecture, tradition, late modernism, neomodernism, symbol, art


Architectural styles of the second half of the 20’th century, including modernism and neomodernism, are analysed. The opinions of leading theorists of culture are presented. Features characteristic of the culture of the end of the century are represented. The architecture of sacred buildings built according to the principle of engineering science is considered. It was determined that the objects created at that time, despite their modern appearance, bear the semantic features of traditional temples. It was found that the opening of cooperation with artists became a sign of rejection of the modernist thesis that architectural activity is constructive or researchscientific, and not artistic. It was revealed that neomodernism is characterized by an understanding of many irrational architectural conditions, which is manifested in a strange logic of disrespect for the recognized contradictions of late modernism. Purpose. On the basis of the analysis of modern trends in the formation of the sacred space, identify the features of development and the main characteristics of late modernism and neomodernism. Methodology. Theoretical research methods, analysis of foreign experience in building temples were used. The grapho-analytical method is applied. Results. Establishment of key areas of development and organization of sacred complexes. Scientific novelty. The view that late modernism and neomodernism was the result of industrial development and engineering thought is presented. Despite this, a tendency towards historical and traditional reminiscences was revealed. Practical relevance. The forms of individual sacred buildings and methods of organizing their interiors in modern forms, which can be used in the further development of temple architecture, are analysed. The use of the metaphorical language of architecture based on the world of visual human products and their iconographic distinctive features is considered. The need to take into account the relationship between certain forms and the messages transmitted through them in shaping the sacred space has been revealed.

Author Biography

Liliia Gnatiuk, National Aviation University

Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies of Design
and Graphics


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How to Cite

Gnatiuk, L. (2023). LATE MODERNISM AND NEOMODERNISM IN SHAPING SACRED SPACE. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 21–33.

