helicopter, designing airfields and heliports coverings, helipad, calculation of aerodrome pavementsAbstract
In recent years, there has been a significant progress in helicopter traffic, its volume increasing every year. To solve the transport problem of megacities, first of all heliports should be built in the largest cities, with the corporate sector as the customers, and the possibility of excursion transport flights not excluded. UTair-Ukraine (the world’s largest airline in terms of helicopter fleet operating more than 300 helicopters of various models) plans to actively develop the helicopter business in Ukraine. To date, only one modern helipad has been built in the capital of Ukraine – Dnipro-1. Kyiv needs at least 19 helicopter pads located in such a way as to reduce the traffic load on roads and provide an opportunity to evacuate the population in case of an emergency. The article considers the history of the development of designing hard surface airfields and heliports design, the main heliport parts, determination of the helipad geometric parameters, helicopters classification by their impact on the covering.
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