


scenario modeling, visual perception, visual frame, building rules, street sweep, background building, combined models


The organization of the perception of architectural objects in time as scenarios is one of the directions of architectural design, which allows you to connect the level of emotional expressiveness and in formativeness of architecture to other modern arts, using their methods and established models. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to define and justify the scenario models of the organization of the main street based on the interpretation of art forms unfolding over time, as well as on the basis of the study of the patterns of perception of the architectural environment in public and high-speed transport. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the study and interpretation of models of the formation of 3rd-order architectural objects (urban planning ensembles) and the identification of components of architectural three-dimensional design in these models. Results. The results of the study cover the determination of essential trends in the design of the main streets of large places, the classification of the compositional components of a large street and the sequences of their organization in the process of perception during movement in transport, the implementation of the identified patterns in the modern design process. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the approach is based on a unified methodology of using scenario methods and searching for formalized schemes of optimal unfolding of the composition in space and time, taking into account dynamic perception in vehicles. Practical relevance. The practical significance of the revealed models is that the architect, taking into account the proposed forms of urban planning and project documentation, can activate the perception of the main street.

Author Biography

Serhii Buravchenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Аrchitecture, Рrofessor of the Department of Architecture
and Spatial Planning


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How to Cite

Buravchenko, S. (2023). SCENARIOS OF MAIN STREETS AND THEIR COMPONENTS. Theory and Practice of Design, (27), 5–12.

