


architectural and landscape environment; natural component; water; river; natural potential; urbanized space; functional and spatial structure; evolution; practical experience; interaction; transformation; new life


Practical experience in the formation of an architectural and landscape environment near the water on the example of different countries of the world is outlined in the article. This is the purpose of this study – to analyze the theoretical and practical basis in the formation of an urbanized environment near the water. To achieve this goal, historical-theoretical, comparative-historical and empirical methods were used in the work. Together, they provided an opportunity to analyze the object of research – the architectural and landscape environment near the water. An analysis of previous studies is presented. They are related to the topic in one way or another. These are works related to the formation of water park zones of the city, their riverside territories, linear parks along small rivers, in floodplain areas, the organization of recreational zones in the structure of coastal territories, artistic, aesthetic and constructive issues of the formation of an urbanized environment near water. The evolution of the interaction of the city with water components, starting from the most ancient civilizations of the world and up to the present, is characterized. It changed from communication and fortification, trade, craft and industry to, in the end, the formation of a public and recreational environment. At the beginning of the 21st century, functional poverty is gradually being replaced by the intensive development of territories near the water as urban space. Neglected and flooded areas near water systems began to become objects of architectural and landscape transformations. Interesting examples of practical implementation of project solutions are considered. They represent a radical change in a purely utilitarian attitude to the object of research. The analysis is presented on the example of the cities of Shanghai (China), Chicago (USA), Copenhagen (Denmark), Lyon (France), Warsaw (Poland), Milan (Italy), Birmingham (England), Stockholm (Sweden), Oslo (Norway), Hamburg (Germany). The presented examples confirm the importance of water objects as natural-ecological and city-forming components of the modern urban environment. It was found that the process of formation of territories near the water takes place due to the preservation of the coastline, its change with the partial development of the water source and its full regulation with the change of the coastline.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Shevchenko, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”

Associate Professor, Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor of the Department of Building Architecture and Design

Alina Yanko, National University “Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic”

Master’s Student of the Department of Building Architecture and Design


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