light, rectilinear propagation, shadows and penumbras, light reflection, eye, painting, visual impairment, paintings, impressionismAbstract
The article presents a study of the manifestations of rectilinear propagation of light in painting. The optical system of the eye, rectilinear propagation of light and light rays, reflection and refraction of light were analyzed. The peculiarities of the technique with the distribution of light and shadow on Rembrandt’s canvases are revealed. Attention is focused on the study of the influence of visual defects, which influenced the individual style of impressionist painters Monet, Degas, and Renoir. The relationship between visual impairments and the laws of composition is analyzed using the examples of Claude Monet’s works “Water Lilies” and “Waterloo Bridge”. It was found out that the use of the contrast effect allows you to reveal the plot of the picture; the simultaneous distribution of light and shadow is achieved by rejecting a single light source; vision pathology – binocularity affects the perception of three-dimensional space, which enhances its reproduction on a plane. Features of impressionism are revealed that the painter must paint with seven colors of the spectrum; vision disorders of Impressionist representatives Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Renoir give transformations to their canvases, affect the reflection of color and light in their works. The peculiarities of shadow and penumbra creation in Rembrandt’s work “The Pilgrims of Emmaus” were studied. The manifestation of the rectilinear propagation of light, the formation of shadows and the reflection of light in the painting was analyzed. The regularities of the creation of laws of composition, built on the laws of harmony, are characterized. The relationship between visual impairments and the laws of composition in the paintings of Claude Monet and Rembrandt was analyzed. The object of research is light phenomena that can be explained by ray optics. The subject of research is the use of the laws of rectilinear propagation of light, reflection and refraction of light in the work of outstanding artists.
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