parametric architecture, parametricism, parametric design, interior, project methods, architectural solutions, public buildings, design systems, trend, design arrangement, independence of decisions, intercultural influenceAbstract
Today, the concepts of “parametric architecture” and “parametric design” are known to almost everyone who is engaged in design or architectural activities. They are modern directions that extend to the construction of buildings, but are also beginning to be introduced into the interior design (interior) of premises. At the same time, among ordinary people, these terms are little known, causing them many incorrect interpretations, judgments and meanings. This made it necessary to understand in detail these architectural and design directions. Goal. Consider the concept of “parametric” design, analyze the features of its use in architecture and design, determine its practical significance in the modern world. Methodology. When researching the fundamental concepts of parametric design in public interiors, a comparative analysis was conducted, and visual and graphic means of artistic and stylistic generalization and interpretation were applied in various areas of design and architecture. The results. Тhe scientific articles of many authors (M. Kolisnichenko, N. Chepurna, etc.) were analyzed, whose works were related to the application of the provisions and norms of parametric architecture in the design of premises, first of all – its inner part (interior). The principles and peculiarities of parametric design formation were investigated, as well as the means of their implementation in architectural objects, primarily public interiors. The work explores the development of parametric architecture and design, the peculiarities of their use in the exterior and interior. Scientific novelty. The research comprehensively considered and analyzed the means of expressing parametric architecture in the design of public interiors, and carried out a comparative analysis of them with parametric exteriors. Practical significance. The conducted research makes it possible to establish the main differences of parametric design in public and private interiors.
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