choreography; dance; floor covering; design; internal space; environment formation; risk of injury; securityAbstract
The article examines the problems of using specialized flooring in rooms for choreography classes. As a result of the study, the influence of the decoration and construction of the floor on the health of dancers and comfort during classes was revealed. Characteristic properties and design features of the main types of floor covering in dance rooms are determined. The dependence between the dance style and the choice of the necessary covering is established. Modern specialized shockabsorbing dance surfaces are considered. Recommendations for the design of the floor covering for the premises of choreographic studios and schools are given. Aim. The purpose of the article is to reveal the basic principles of using mirrors in the interior and their influence on the formation of the interior space. Methodology. For scientific substantiation, the scientometric method was used in this article: an analysis and synthesis of theoretical materials of existing research was carried out, domestic and foreign experience on the topic was considered. The results. The main features and criteria for choosing a floor covering depending on the needs of dance activities are revealed. Scientific novelty. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the main problems and modern trends regarding the choice of flooring in the interior space as a means of creating a comfortable and safe environment for dance spaces are summarized. Modern developments in the field of specialized covering of dance rooms were studied. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the design of the interiors of dance halls.
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