design; architecture; interior; interior comfort; interior color scheme; design-projection; principles of interior ecology; interior design trendsAbstract
This work shows research and substantiation of the influence of various criteria on the formation of interior design. In the process of quality assessment, the factors that customers and designers consider the most important in the process of creating an interior design and have the greatest impact on the design process are identified. The trends in the development of interior design with the appearance of new materials and the latest technologies used in the construction and manufacture of furniture and other high-tech household items are analyzed. Even in the planning solution of the interior, planners and designers are now trying to take into account the peculiarities and needs of people who do not leave residential areas for a long time during epidemics and change their corresponding behavior. For the future, there is also the task of arranging the volumes in residential and office spaces in the best way for security during hostilities and bombings. All these are the realities of today, which impose their influence on the design of residential and industrial premises. It was found that the research of various components in the development of a modern interior and their influence on the desired results analyzed in the article makes it possible to single out the four most important components for successful design. Such components, which may determine the further direction and development of interior design, namely: 1. Principles of environmental friendliness and interior landscaping. 2. Trends in interior color. 3. Comfort, as a priority of functionality in the interior. 4. Trends regarding imagery and the search for individuality of the interior, which reveals the character of the owner. Modern trends are to make housing inexpensive, but functional and individual in design and to provide opportunities to use the entire space most effectively to improve functionality and transform comfortable areas of the room. Therefore, owners often independently participate in the decoration of their own home, and the designer must respond flexibly to such whims.
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