


polyvalent public space (PVS); functional purpose; trade, recreation, sports, transformability, flexibility, cyclic schedule, mono-functional use, poly-functional use, function deployment station


Goal. Determination of the peculiarities of the use of scenario methods in the formation of polyvalent public spaces with the aim of determining their volume-planning parameters and projecting transformations during the year, as well as on the scale of weeks and individual significant days. The research methodology is based on the implementation of scenario methods that allow to investigate the functional purpose of a multivalent public space, taking into account the cyclical alternation of traditional events and the programmed combination of functions tied to the surrounding enterprises. A number of polyvalent public spaces (PPS) in Ukraine and abroad have been studied. Research results: spatial models of the organization of urban space were developed, and functions unfolding throughout the year were tied to cyclic schedules. The developed recommendations provide for the creation of stations within the framework of the surrounding buildings, on the basis of which the thematic transformations and the design of the multivalent space are deployed. The proposed models will allow, taking into account the cyclical analysis of events in the polyvalent space, to optimize its size and functional zoning for each specific period of the year and to forecast its use on a weekly basis, taking into account the various interests of the community. The scientific novelty of the study is based on the creation of a universal methodology for the design of PVPs, which combines scenarios of their use, spatial planning, evaluation of models with dominant mono- and poly-functional use, creation of transitional models. Practical significance. The economic effect of the PPP is based on the search for effective dimensions and configuration of urban spaces. The social effect consists in planning and designing the saturation of these spaces with functions inherent in urban centers, supporting local traditions, the development of social contacts of different age groups.

Author Biography

Serhii Buravchenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Architecture, Professor of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning


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