



low-rise high-density residential development, building design, dense housing projects


In this article the author describes the main approaches in the design of lowrise residential development of high density, which should form comfortable and energy-saving housing. The main design factors that will affect future projects of dense housing have been allocated. Purpose. Identification and substantiation of approaches in the design of lowrise residential development of high density to determine effective rules to solve this architectural and social problem. Methodology Includes the following methods: compositional and functional analysis; analysis of studies of low-rise high density housing development; formalization method; identification of factors influencing high density housing development; comparative analysis; systematization and generalization of foreign and domestic experience. Results. As a result of the conducted study, the basic characteristics were formulated in the design of low-rise residential development of high density and the principles of design of this type of housing were established. The international experience of designing high-density and affordable low and medium-rise housing is analyzed. The influence of fenced housing on the slopes has been assessed. The basic regularities of types of blocking high density housing on different types of relief are characterized. The highest economic efficiency has been identified as a result of the application of dense construction of two to four-storey houses in cities with different population. Advantages and disadvantages of dense housing have been investigated. The question of determination of the density of development on the basis of tendencies of definition of the concept of density has been actualized. The main tendencies and characteristics that meet the needs and values of society have been allocated. Estimation of density achievement is characterized and examples of plans and facades of high density residential development are given. The illuminated scientific materials became the starting point for thinking about the studied issue. Scientific novelty. Approaches in the design of low-rise high-density development have been identified and substantiated. The basic principles in the design of this type of housing have been improved and described. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the design of low-rise dense housing. We know all external and internal influences on the design object, but thanks to the proposed architectural solutions and characteristics of the building, which give us the opportunity to better approach the problem, it is possible to design a comfortable living environment.

Author Biography

Serhii Buravchenko, National Aviation University

Candidate of Architecture, Professor of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning


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