Features of the architectural and planning organization of youth development centers





club, palace, outh development center, motivational environment, synergy, space-planning organization


Aim. To study the transformation of space-planning solutions of modern youth space in the context of structuring the architectural form in the urban environment. Pay attention to the planned solution of youth centers, highlighting the basic conditions for comfort, sufficient space, the correct functional solution and the number of directions in the educational plan. The historical rethinking of the communication space of a modern youth center and the creation of a motivational environment are considered. Based on the analysis of world design experience, a philosophical and architectural concept is formulated, which is the basis for creating a modern space for young people.
Methodology. The article uses traditional scientific methods of historical analysis, comparative analysis and the method of system-structural analysis.
Results. The article examines the historical transformations of the components included in the architectural form of youth development centers, in the focus of the impact on them of the socio-cultural needs of society.
Analyzed modern foreign and domestic projects that implement the idea of ​​creating a youth space. The central dominants of the volumetric-spatial and planning aspects of the formation of the youth environment are revealed, taking into account the importance of socio-cultural changes, including the life of the population, the preservation and development of regions. The indicated range of advantages of designing a youth environment as a formative element in the development of urban infrastructure.
The results of the research can be used by the architect when designing space-planning solutions for youth spaces created in the context of structuring urban space, reorganizing obsolete buildings and adapting them to modern cultural trends, taking into account the interests of society, combining various activities into a single city program that functions as a full-fledged one. mechanism.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that:
- the features of the formation of the architecture of modern leisure institutions for young people were revealed, obtained as a result of the analysis and study of the existing domestic practice of design and construction of similar buildings in the modern world;
- the functional blocks of the modern youth development center were identified, which form a positive psychological microclimate, which reflects the specifics of the perception and interaction of a young person with the architectural space;
- it has been proven that the main point in the design of modern youth centers is the formation of a motivational environment and focusing on the ability to use gadgets and multimedia devices in learning conditions and further prospects for self-realization in the field of technogenic communication.
Practical significance. Research allows the design of new youth centers that will have a positive impact on young people, balancing different types of recreational, developmental and recreational activities. Modern concepts of the motivational environment develop the public space of the city, which leads to the evolution of cultural and social relationships of society as a whole. The more resources will be spent now to realize the opportunities of young people who have not yet found reflection in architectural practice, the more comfortable and safe the environment and surroundings of youth centers will be in the future.


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How to Cite

Troshkina, O., & Lupina, A. (2021). Features of the architectural and planning organization of youth development centers. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 113–122. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.24.16298



02 Culture and art