Historical preconditions of exhibition activity





history, preconditions, development, industrial exhibition, technologies, international exhibition, Crystal Palace, industry, economic and social development


The article considers and investigates the venue of the Great International Exhibition, works of art and products collected at the exhibition. The influence and role of the Great Exhibition in the economic and social development of England.
Relevance of the topic In its form, the pavilion, made of prefabricated structures, resembled a multi-span basilica with a glass semicircular roof over the middle span. The building, later called the Crystal Palace, became an architectural masterpiece of the era and is described in detail in special literature.
Goal. Investigate the historical background of the exhibition
Methodology. The methods of research and analysis of the Great International Exhibition clarify the purpose of the large international industrial exhibition and their role. The analysis was conducted on the basis of studying the history of the first industrial exhibition in the Crystal Palace and the further development of exhibitions. Analysis of the principles used in the creation of the Great Exhibition and later in the exhibitions.
Results. Research of the history of the Great International Exhibition. The role and beginning of the exhibition on the development of industry and architecture.
The scientific novelty lies in a comprehensive consideration of the formation and development of the industrial exhibition and the principles of creation
Keywords: history, preconditions, development, industrial exhibition, technologies, international exhibition, Crystal Palace, industry, economic and social development


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How to Cite

Kolosova, N., & Osadcha, Y. (2021). Historical preconditions of exhibition activity. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 82–87. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.24.16294



02 Culture and art