nternal space formation principles of art center`s exhibition placement





art center, art, Interior Design, environment design, design, design development, inner space, room design, design solutions, interior, formation of the environment


The article deals with the problems of forming the internal space of a building intended to be a location for an art center`s exhibition placement. In the course of the study, the influence of the future purpose of the premises on the features of its design was revealed. The importance of contemporary art in human life through the disclosure of the functions of art itself is investigated. Recommendations for the design of lighting for art centers are presented in the article. The main characteristics of the premises in which the location of the exhibition halls will be most appropriate are provided. The author made the comparison of the interior spaces for two centers of contemporary art. Both of them are located in Kiev.
Aim. The aim of the article is to identify the basic principles of formation of the art center`s internal space, based on the technical and aesthetic features of the presentation of contemporary art works.
Methodology. The following theoretical methods were used in this article: scientometric method (analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the design and construction of the object under study according to literary sources).
Results. The basic principles of formation of the art center`s internal space have been identified, these include the competent development of lighting design.
Scientific novelty. In this article, for the first time, the principles of the formation of the space of art centers were discovered, relying on real examples of the interaction of art with the design of the interior space of a building.
Practical significance. The current state of illumination of the design of art centers was assessed. The influence of contemporary art as such on the spacious formation of the interior of the art center is determined.
Key words: Art Center; art center; art; st; Interior Design; environment design; design; design development; inner space; room design; design solutions; interior; formation of the environment


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How to Cite

Gnatiuk, L., & Veklych, M. (2021). nternal space formation principles of art center`s exhibition placement. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 75–81. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.24.16293



02 Culture and art