Determination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of affordable housing, taking into account the location in the city




housing, affordable housing, quality of housing, needs of the population, resettlement system, the ratio of affordable housing, quantitative indicators of affordable housing


his article examines the problem of insufficient quantity and quality of affordable housing in Ukraine. The importance and urgency of this problem is revealed.
The problems of adaptation of affordable housing to the needs of the population and residents of the house are highlighted. Factors influencing the quality of life of urban residents and their impact on housing have been identified.
The importance and influence of the location of affordable housing in the settlement system and urban situation are described, depending on these factors the concept and model of affordable housing will change, including its price, spatial planning solutions, transformations, flexible planning, etc. The negative impact of underdeveloped areas on the availability of housing located in it, and the need for affordable housing to act as a driving force in the development of this area.
The influence of the settlement on the typology and number of storeys of the building is illustrated.
An algorithm for determining the required amount of available housing for the calculation period, and determining the ratio of affordable housing to commercial.
The importance of an integrated approach in the analysis of master plans of cities, neighborhoods, to identify vacant land for new construction, completion of affordable housing, and finding opportunities for reconstruction and renovation for affordable housing.
Describes the feasibility, definition of additional functions for affordable housing, at the stage of analysis of the quarter or district. The importance of taking into account sustainable development in the design of such housing.
The importance of affordable housing to act as a full-fledged component of the developed infrastructure of the neighborhood or district, at the expense of places of employment and public places.
Keywords: housing; affordable housing; quality of housing; needs of the population; resettlement system; the ratio of affordable housing; quantitative indicators of affordable housing.


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How to Cite

Spasichenko, K. (2021). Determination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of affordable housing, taking into account the location in the city. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 42–49.



Architecture and construction