Angaras as an architectural element of museum complexes




aviation, museums, museum complexes, aviation museums, hangars, aviaangari, aviation technology, technical possession, history and architecture, expositions, planning


Aim: to determine the design features of hangars in museum complexes, their practical significance and functional purpose. Analyze the need for these structures in the modern world, the impact on history and cultural heritage. An important task is to single out the exhibition hangars, analyze, using well-known examples, which elements and figurative motives are most often used, structural features and planning.
Methodology. The article uses traditional scientific methods of historical analysis, comparative analysis and the method of system-structural analysis.
Results. This article explores the various uses of civil aircraft in museum hangars, ranging from flying for entertainment and exploring the world to distant communities. The patterns of design of this type of buildings are characterized, the specifics of their planning are analyzed.
Modern museum hangars vary in planning and design. The type of each used depending on the specifics and the number of aircraft parts for equipment maintenance. Most common hangars have rectangular profiles, large arches or gates; they are often over 100 meters wide. Depending on their function, hangars are divided into warehouses, in which the main one is used for parking and zberigaan, maintenance and preventive inspection; hangars for the repair of aircraft, helicopters and other aviation equipment. Basically, the structures include several production and day-to-day administrative offices, which are usually located in addition to the main hangar. They are also divided by the type of structures: stationary (with the support of structural elements made of metal or reinforced concrete), temporary (designed for short-term maintenance, usually made of wood) and collapsible (with structural elements made of steel or light alloys).
The research results can be used in the educational process in teaching the discipline of architectural design, as well as in the development of normative and methodological literature on the design of public buildings and structures. The developments of this work can be applied in real design and construction; were included in thematic plans for coursework and graduation projects.
Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that:
- the influence of the technological process on the functional and planning solutions for museum and exhibition aviation complexes (functional planning scheme, functional zoning)
- the influence of constructive hangar solutions on the formation of museum and exhibition aviation complexes was revealed (on the artistic image, on the visual aesthetics of the aviation complex and on the functional planning solution)
- formulated the basic principles of the formation of museum and exhibition aviation complexes using the hangar as an important architectural element (the principle of aesthetic uniqueness, the principle of situational adaptability, the principle of environmental safety and the principle of variability)
- the influence of museum complexes on the development of aviation has been proven due to the preservation of historical values ​​that are important for the past and future of the air forces of any state. The use of aviation technologies, designs, and a glimpse into the formation and development of the aviation industry through museum exhibits.
Practical significance. The article proves the practical significance of air hangars as an important object, singles it out as a significant architectural element of museum complexes, which provides preservation and maintenance of historical exhibits. Because it is in such places you can fully experience the history and drama of the flight, fully penetrate the aviation industry, which is breathtaking in its scale and unusualness.
Accident-free operation of aircraft largely depends on compliance with special storage conditions. Specialized buildings — aircraft hangars, which are also used for maintenance and repair of helicopters and aircraft, can provide them.
The hangar, as a museum exhibit, not only serves as a storage facility for aircraft, but also is used as a source of conveying to visitors a wide range of information on the history of aviation.
The aircraft hangar has special requirements for the reliability of structures, as it is impossible to install additional support elements to strengthen the frame of the building. Airplanes are very complex and expensive equipment and they need special storage conditions.
Keywords: aviation, museums, museum complexes, aviation museums, hangars, aviaangari, litaki, aviation technology, technical possession, history and architecture, expositions, planning.


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How to Cite

Doroshenko, Y., Khlyupin, A., & Nikolchuk, B. (2021). Angaras as an architectural element of museum complexes. Theory and Practice of Design, (24), 23–32.



Architecture and construction