Design of the architectural environment for eSports




e-sports, Bicycle transport, electronic sports, complex, e-sports arena, e-sports competitions, e-sportsman, gravel, gamer, design, cybersport environments, eSports architecture


The purpose of the article is to highlight the architectural components of a modern cybersport complex based on the results of the analysis of existing facilities in the chronological order of their appearance with the subsequent determination of the features of the structure of a cybersport facility and a list of tasks will solved by the architect.
Methodology: from the standpoint of the structural and functional approach, a systematic analysis of existing and designed cybersport clubs and arenas in the world was carried out; Based on the results of a comparative analysis of their structure and the presence of certain structural elements, a number of the most complete and independent objects intended for e-sports were determined. A brief description of the architectural planning of such objects is given.
An assessment of the impact of e-sports on architecture was carried out, e-sports equipment of different years of creation has been analyzed and the features of their planning have been identified, and the regularities of the conditions for their creation have been characterized. Based on the examples of existing e-sports arenas, the main functional zones of such facilities were determined, the expediency and possibilities of their addition were clarified. Outstanding eSports venues are briefly described. The focus of the study was to single out such objects among ordinary computer clubs. The key aspects of their formation as a complex environment in which the structure is located or which they are a part of were highlighted. The main sign of the complexity of the environment is the posibility of meeting the minimum needs of the gamer in the object itself or an object nearby (hotel, shopping center, etc.).
The general principles of designing an e-sports architectural environment have been updated on the example of several existing facilities.
In the course of the study, the features of the structure of e-sports facilities and their projects were revealed, possible ways to meet the needs of professional gamers and esports fans were identified, which made it possible to single out a number of key properties of architectural environment for esports.
The work is of practical importance in terms of the prospects for the development of the architecture of e-sports facilities and their design as specialized complexes in accordance with modern social needs and trends.
Key words: e-sports; sport; electronic sports; complex; e-sports arena; e-sports competitions; e-sportsman; gravel; gamer; design; cybersport environments; eSports architecture; design.


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02 Culture and art