Disciplines convergence in education of architects at NАFAA.





architects educational program, conceptual integration of disciplines, Fortech, Bauhaus, arts synthesis


The article describes the latest approaches in the education of architects, which are now implemented at the Faculty of Architecture in the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (NAFAA).
The authors present new pedagogical and methodological developments on the Educational and Professional Training Program for Architects at NAFAA.  Two important aspects are emphasized. Firstly, the faculty members found that the old program for art disciplines is inappropriate, the reason was its poor adaptation to the needs of architectural education. Secondly, the department of the Faculty has the unique location in NAFAA near such departments as: Arts (specializing in painting), graphics, sculpture, scenography.
These two components, one of which is a conscious problem, and the other, in fact, a set of opportunities, together with the formulated task of preparing the optimal program were taken as a basis.
The experience of implementing the new approach over the last five years has allowed us to analyze the intermediate results and provide enough material to qualitatively outline the prospects for further development.
The authors see the conceptual convergence or unification of disciplines as an important approach in the teaching of architects, which is the basis of the program.  This approach eliminates their mutual isolation and subordinates disciplines.
The authors point out that such an approach was already introduced at the Academy almost a hundred years ago - it was Fortech - a general course of formal and technical disciplines.  Abolished in the 1930s due to a change in the ideological course in art, Fortech nevertheless managed to gain considerable valuable experience, which convincingly proves its high efficiency.
The article contains a general description of the new program with brief explanations and relevant illustrations. The material may be of interest to teachers of architectural faculties.
Keywords: Architects educational program, conceptual integration of disciplines, Fortech.  Bauhaus, Arts Synthesis.


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How to Cite

Kolomiets, A., & Davydov, A. (2021). Disciplines convergence in education of architects at NАFAA. Theory and Practice of Design, (23), 57–62. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.23.16268



Architecture and construction