Scientific and methodological principles for determination of tourist and recreational potential of united territorial communities and their practical realogasis
agro-recreational territories, landscape-recreational assessment, recreational capacity, admissible recreational load, principles of architectural-planning organization, landscape planningAbstract
The rich natural and ethnocultural resource base create the preconditions for their wide use for leisure purposes and tourism development, which is considered as a significant city-forming factor for the territories of the united territorial communities and their separate settlements.The solution of problems of formation of the optimum and rational architectural-planning organization of agro-recreational territories and settlements is at the junction of their spatial planning and town-planning formation of modern recreational formations as a part of the united territorial communities.It is established that the most significant impact on the development of the recreational and tourist sphere of some rural areas have:— cultural and natural sites, which include regional landscape parks, botanical gardens, monuments of historical and cultural heritage, museums, cultural and religious traditions, etc .;— accessibility of rural areas (availability of transport, roads, airports (ports), railway network, etc .;— tourist image of the area, which exists in the minds of potential customers and significantly affects the subconscious desire to visit this area;— economic factors that depend on the standard of services, season, amount of transport (availability), etc.The rich natural and ethnocultural resource base create the preconditions for their wide use for leisure purposes and tourism development, which is considered as a significant city-forming factor for the territories of the united territorial communities and their separate settlements.The solution of problems of formation of the optimum and rational architectural-planning organization of agro-recreational territories and settlements is at the junction of their spatial planning and town-planning formation of modern recreational formations as a part of the united territorial communities.It is established that the most significant impact on the development of the recreational and tourist sphere of some rural areas have:— cultural and natural sites, which include regional landscape parks, botanical gardens, monuments of historical and cultural heritage, museums, cultural and religious traditions, etc .;— accessibility of rural areas (availability of transport, roads, airports (ports), railway network, etc .;— tourist image of the area, which exists in the minds of potential customers and significantly affects the subconscious desire to visit this area;— economic factors that depend on the standard of services, season, amount of transport (availability), etc.The “graph analytical method” used in the process of research allowed to identify and structure the factors that determine the formation and development of rural recreation and tourism, among these factors are the location of rural areas and the role of individual rural settlements in settlement systems of different hierarchical levels; natural-climatic and landscape resources; historical and cultural heritage and ethnic features of rural settlements; anthropogenic objects - modern centres of mass attendance.It is issued that for the planned organization of health and recreational areas, places and parameters should be created in a set of assessments of the entire territory of the independent territorial community (with the definition of agricultural, industrial, agricultural, forest and other areas), also provided by Landscape and recreation »Assessment of individual sites.The analysis of territories carried out on a cartographic basis in the process of developing spatial planning projects of all communities / Satanivska, Volochyska, Prysyvashska, Zavodska, Rukshinska and Berezivska / allowed to specify and separate those territorial plots of land that have conditions for rural recreation.As a result of using different methodological approaches to the assessment of natural and landscape resources, it is proposed to establish:— recreational capacity of the territory is the maximum allowable level of recreational use of the territory taking into account city and ecological requirements;— permissible recreational loads — is to ensure the stability of the natural complex;— recreational digression - disturbance of the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic factors.It is established that the place under the objects of recreation and recreation is determined following special calculations and can be created as a reserve land in the documentation on spatial planning of the community. As a result, the territories for the main groups of features studied in the proposed author of formula 1 are separated.The analysis of the method of expert description, the implementation by the author in the development of spatial planning projects of administrative districts and independent territorial communities in different regions of Ukraine (Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Ternopil, Herzen and Chernivtsi regions), an educated person for different landscapes for restoration to the current normative indicators (for landscapes with a high rating privilege — 1; for landscapes with an average affiliation rating — 0.5; for landscapes with a low affiliation rating — 0.05).The method of “determining the recreational capacity” of rural areas, proposed by the author, involves the integration of indicators of “ecological and urban assessment” and “rating assessment” and is calculated by the following formula 2.It has been scientifically proven that within the united territorial community — an integral administrative-territorial entity, a conceptual approach to the formation of its spatial planning structure as an integrated ecological and urban planning object can be implemented, which is characterized by clear territorial constraints, internal development and external relations. links in the structure of spatial planning of regions and the country as a whole. This became the scientific basis for determining the conceptual foundations of the architectural and planning organization of rural areas and settlements, which are formulated in the following “principles”:— the principle of “preservation of traditional rural settlement”, a rural way of life and folk traditions, which provides for the revival of historical and cultural identity;– the principle of “reservation and targeted use of natural and cultural resources”, which aims to determine the value and parameters of land plots in rural areas promising for tourism and recreation;— the principle of “creation of new forms of entrepreneurship”, which provides for the development of a special type of management in the countryside through the provision of tourist and recreational services to vacationers;— the principle of “formation of environmentally friendly tourist and recreational environment”, which is implemented through increasing the level of development of rural settlements, identification and protection of local nature reserves.It is proposed to make proposals to the relevant existing DBN, given that this area of urban development of the united territorial communities is outside the legal field, in terms of terminology (“landscape plan”, “farm hospitality”, “guest house”, etc.); landscape assessment indicators (1 — high level of attractiveness, 0.5 — medium, 0.05 — low); zoning of the territory of rural settlements (main zones — residential, industrial, recreational, agro-landscape; additional zones — keeping of animals, equestrian walking routes, folklore and ethnographic festivals, etc.). It is established that the main project document with scientific economic and urban substantiation, developed according to the author’s method, should be “OTG territory planning scheme” with the section “Landscape planning”, which includes all aspects of resource assessment, identification, conservation, protection, preservation and rational use for tourist and recreational activities, which makes it mandatory to implement these decisions and introduces them into the legal field. The algorithm of project actions (field surveys; analysis of the current state; socio-economic calculations, development forecasting, etc.) and the structure of the content of the project document (resources, resettlement, infrastructure, potential consumers, investment climate, etc.) are proposed.References
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