Plastic language as a result of the evolution of tectonic principles in the architecture of the XX – XXI centuries.


  • Любов Веніамінівна Тютіна Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури, Київ, Україна



architecture, tectonics, plastic language, order, building structures, building material, modern architecture, deconstructivism, Daniel Libeskind, Zaha Hadid, Frank Gary, Norman Foster


Purpose. The article investigates the problems of tectonics in the formation of the plastic language of construction and its features in historical and modern architecture (XX-XXI centuries). The main goals of the article are as follows: to identify and analyze the artistic expression of the external structures of modern architectural objects and to focus on ways to detect tectonics and plastic language.Methodology. Contains the following methods: analysis of historically formed principles of formation of plastic language and tectonics of buildings; generalization and systematization of samples of external enclosing structures of buildings based on the example of deconstructivist architecture; identification of factors influencing the tectonic patterns of artistic expression of architecture.Results. In the articles there have been considered theoretical researches connected with definition of terms “tectonics” and “plastic language of architecture”. It has subsequently demonstrated the gaps and problematic application of the concept of “tectonics which is considered to be the artistic expression” for a significant number of examples of architecture of the XX-XXI centuries. The reason for this phenomenon is the evolution and transformation of forms, facades of architecture, building materials, design capabilities and technical approaches during the time of the chronological boundaries of the study. Moreover, it has been risen the question of the truth of understanding the concept of “ tectonics “and its connection with the concept of” plastic language” of architecture.Scientific novelty. Among the laws of ‘composition theory’, the least attention is paid to tectonics in modern architecture. There are almost no theoretical studies of the tectonics of modern buildings. Therefore, for the first time, by the article a question of the formation and feasibility of tectonics of modern architecture has been posed.Practical significance. The main points of the article can be used in the preparation of works on the history and theory of modern architecture, in the learning process and in the process of designing buildings and structures.

Author Biography

Любов Веніамінівна Тютіна, Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва та архітектури, Київ, Україна

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