Foreign food establishments and their location in cities.
catering architecture, network of catering facilities, catering facilities, placement of catering facilities, fast food, leisure food, food abroad, hotel of catering, restaurant center, fast food street, food court, food hall, food marketAbstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of field observations of catering facilities in large cities of China, France and Malta. The study focuses on catering facilities in the cities of Jinan, Marseille, Nice and Valletta.Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze a new for Ukraine foreign typology and practice of placing food facilities, to assess the possibilities of its implementation in Ukrainian design and urban planning, to solve the modern problems of Ukrainian cities and improve the lives of citizens.Methodology. The main method of this scientific research is the analysis of field observations of foreign catering facilities, which were visited by the author personally during his postgraduate studies.Results. The author described the originality of those types of food facilities that still exist only abroad, or are new to the Ukrainian design practice. The features of the placement of foreign typology of food objects are established and the possibilities of its existence in Ukrainian cities are assessed.Scientific novelty. The newest catering facilities for the Ukrainian architecture practice have been identified, which are named by the author as: a restaurant center, a hotel of catering, a catering quarter in urban planning, a food market. On the basis of the study, recommendations were made for the placement of types of public catering, new for the Ukrainian practice of designing, in large cities and their residential development.Practical significance. This study makes a significant contribution to awareness of current trends in the restaurant industry and the latest foreign typology of the network of catering facilities. The information provided will assist both in the learning process for student projects and in practical design. Also, the newest catering facilities for Ukrainian cities will be taken into account by the author in a further study of the formation of a network of restaurant facilities in residential development.References
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