Stylistic transitions in kyiv architecture of the first half of the twentieth century


  • Андрій Ігорович Марковський



eclecticism, historicism, art nouveau, UAM, constructivism, rationalism, stalinist empire style, soviet architectural modernism, "invented traditions"


This article aims to analyze the architectural and artistic processes that took place in Kyiv in the early 1910s - late 1950s and identify the root causes and consequences of three consecutive iterations, interstitial transitions that took place in the architecture of the city of the designated period. The research is a continuation of a series of author’s articles related to the genesis of Kyiv’s architecture of the first half of the twentieth century in the world context and is based on authentic archival materials of contemporary competitions, periodic professional and general periodicals of the period, works by Yu. S. Aseev, M.V. Baranov, M. P. Bylinkin, M. Ya. Ginzburg, G. V. Golovko, V. G. Zabolotny, A. V. Ikonnikov, S. K. Kilesso, O. G. Molokina, M. V. Posokhin, O. V. Ryabushin, V. E. Khazanova, S. O. Khan-Magomedov, V. V. Chepelik, V. S. Goryunov, B. L. Erofalov-Pylypchak, Yu. V. Ivashko, M. B. Kalnytsky, N. M. Kodel-Perminova, O. G. Mokrousova, D. V. Sarabyanov, T. V. Skybytska, M. P. Tubli, D. S. Khmelnytsky, B. S. Cherkes and others.The process of change is manifested not only in the field of architecture and art, but presented in conjunction with a set of external factors and factors that directly affected this field. The reverse process of the influence of the field of architecture on the social macrocosm of Kyiv is also analyzed.The article analyzes the complex and multifaceted process of moving from historical and eclectic reminiscences in the architecture of Kyiv through Art Nouveau (both UAM and international manifestations of expressive and rational Art Nouveau) to avant-garde Soviet architecture against the background of revolutionary changes and complex socio-cultural transformations. Based on the results of chronological study of the creative achievements of leading architects of Kyiv in the late 1920s-mid – 1950s, a gradual transition from avant-garde to neoclassical architecture is analyzed. The departure from neoclassicism to Soviet modernism is studied, the root causes of this transition, which began several decades before, are identified. A comprehensive consistent, chronologically continuous and politically unbiased study of the formation of the architecture of Kyiv in the early 1910s and late 1950s was carried out

Author Biography

Андрій Ігорович Марковський

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