Factors of formation of worldview of baroque architects


  • Антон Володимирович Коломієць Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, м. Київ, Україна




architects, baroque, architectural worldview, factors, education, upbringing, rituals, traditions, architectural textbooks


This article examines the factors which influenced the formation of the architectural and artistic paradigm of the Baroque construction period. It was found that this problem has not been previously studied by our scholars.  Researching the experience of Baroque construction, the author came across the fact that the only identified and qualitatively studied factor is the Ukrainian traditional wooden architecture.  The author first identified four other factors in which the ideological influence has not been studied before: Home education and upbringing, Education of the Seven liberal arts (Septem artes liberales), Academic traditions and rituals, architectural and construction manuals and practical recommendations of the time.The author considered each of the factors separately in the article and substantiated the correctness of their definitions. I. Tymkovsky’s memoirs were analysed the examples of home education and upbringing of the Hetman era.To analyze the factor of education of the Seven liberal arts (Septem artes liberales), the author used the historical experience of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy as significant education unit for the history of Ukraine.The factor of traditions and rituals was also studied on the example of the Kyiv Mohyla Academy and other collegiums which were created according to its model.The factor of influence of architectural and construction manuals was studied on the example of Johann Wilhelm’s book «Architectura civilis» of 1649 and 1668.  The study of the last factor gave a separate scientific novelty, for the first time determining the source of origin of the onion dome in Ukraine.The author comprehensively analysed the conditions and factors shaping the paradigm of the Baroque construction era.

Author Biography

Антон Володимирович Коломієць, Національна академія образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури, м. Київ, Україна

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