A new paradigm of architectural typology
typology, object of architecture, system, type, space, scenario, architectural environmentAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the concept of architectural typology in the context of the postindustrial era and in the modern sociocultural situation, taking into account the cardinal changes that occur both in the relevant scientific field and in the practical directions of the some-what spontaneous formation of the architectural and urban planning environment. Architectural typology viewed as a dynamic process that develops in the direction of object typology to spatial and environmental typology. At the same time, the architectural environment presenting as a typological system, which has a number of subsystem levels with different typological characteristics. Now relevant and important is the problem of responding to demographic and social transfor-mations of the architectural typology, which forming and is using from the middle of the twen-tieth century almost until now. The normative base for the design and construction of architectural objects has always evolved in parallel and depending on the typology. Over time, both components of the process stopped responding to new requests from architecture consumers. There was an urgent need for a new typology, which should become more flexible and multivariate in accordance with the needs of modern society, which are constantly changing. When determining the directions and a new paradigm of architectural objects typologization. It proposing to use a number of alternative traditional typologies for the newest directions, and the methodology for architectural objects formation. One of these methodological approaches basing on the parametric and, in particular, the scenario method. Its allowing, as a result, studies the unique project situation, to approach a new project as a unique innovative phenomenon. The second methodology is productive for identifying new types of architecture lens — this is an analysis of the characteristic urban planning situations of a city or types of architectural environment with the identification of their features, in particular, the functional requirements for premises and their groupings, which are characteristic of the corresponding urban spaces. The third methodology of typological differentiation basing on determining the degree of uniqueness and life cycle of an architectural object, which, in turn, affect the requirements for the adaptability of the designed buildings. This adaptability affects the degree of differentiation of the subsystems of the architectural and construction system with the identification of a permanent frame and flexible, transformative components of a building. A number of publications confirm the relevance of research in this directionReferences
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