The leading tendencies of education-entertaining space production
Personality development, Play, Entertainment and educational spaces, Educational and entertainment complexAbstract
This article aims to investigate the leading tendencies of education-entertaining space production and features of designing children's establishments. We define the primary planning regularities of construction of architectural structure and form, and also corresponding methods of designing. Moreover, we present the leading architectural and planning requirements and recommendations for the design of children's educational and entertainment complexes.
It is essential to take into account many factors, including the quantitative and qualitative composition of groups of children, features of their development, needs, and requirements for extracurricular education for the design of any institutions for preschool and primary school-age children. Since educational space in a broad sense is a dynamic multilevel multifunctional system, it should provide a clear interaction of the constituent elements. Therefore, it is a hierarchical structure of environments of different levels - from global to local, family, and even personal. Throughout the article, we also examine the quality of the architectural environment of educational and entertainment institutions and their subject-spatial content as one of the components of the educational space. Learning and development of creative abilities today are considered as the main links in the system of education of children's personality. It is clear that concrete and effective measures are needed to modernize preschool and school education, in particular by creating a new educational and entertainment environment, as existing children's institutions do not meet the requirements of modern society.
In the modern conditions of the accelerated pace of city life the problem of shortage of time sharply arises. This presupposes the expediency of uniting children's educational, sports and entertainment institutions into one multifunctional structure, which is manifested in the modern approach to the formation of educational and entertainment complex as a new typological object. For such new objects, the main task is to create appropriate comfortable conditions for the child's socialization and adaptation in society, as well as full mental and physical development, which should occur through innovative methods and modern methods of learning. In fact, the typological group of children's institutions for education, development and entertainment includes not only kindergartens and schools, but also leisure centers, museums, libraries, gyms, playgrounds and more. Almost every public object can have children, so a systematic and structural-substantive approach involves the consideration of the relevant architectural and spatial elements as part of a single functional and typological unit.References
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