Revitalization of industrial facilities on the example of Kiev


  • Лілія Романівна Гнатюк Національний авіаційний університет,
  • Марія Вячеславівна Мельник Національний авіаційний університет



Redesign, Cultural object, Development, Revitalization, Transformation, Space


The urban environment is in the process of constant transformation that needs to be explored. This article highlights one of the variations of such transformations - the revitalization of industrial facilities. Revitalization involves the reconstruction of industrial sites, the redesign and reconstruction of premises, and the change of their functional purpose in order to create new public spaces and cultural objects.

The revitalization of industrial buildings is a widespread practice worldwide. In Ukraine, this process is only gaining momentum. Kyiv is the leader in the number of implemented projects among Ukrainian cities. The article analyzes the object of revitalization in Kyiv. The features, causes and benefits of revitalization are given. The object of revitalization was considered in view of the timeframe, functional purpose of the buildings, the subject of the project. Problems studied and recommendations given for the development of revitalization in the capital and Ukraine in general. As a prime example, an object such as Platform Art Factory considered.

Approximately 20% of the territories of large cities of Ukraine occupied by industrial territories. Most of them extremely neglected. The most common options for the development of such territories are dismantling, reconstruction, renovation and revitalization.

Revitalization sometimes is understood as a concept of reconstruction of obsolete buildings of all kinds. However, the word most often refers to the reconstruction with a change in the functional purpose of a building or structure to create a fundamentally new non-industrial real estate object. This is the direction of the study presented in the article. Analysis of information sources showed that revitalization is a relatively new concept for Ukraine. One reason for this is the lack of analytical information on this segment of the country's construction market

Author Biographies

Лілія Романівна Гнатюк, Національний авіаційний університет,

кандидат архітектури, доцент, доцент кафедри дизайну інтер'єру ФАБД

Марія Вячеславівна Мельник, Національний авіаційний університет



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How to Cite

Гнатюк, Л. Р., & Мельник, М. В. (2019). Revitalization of industrial facilities on the example of Kiev. Theory and Practice of Design, 1(16), 53–68.


