Design component in the system of tuition programmers


  • Олена Анатоліївна Глібко Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»
  • Марія Олександрівна Максимова Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»



Information technologies, Artistic composition, Compositional properties, Composition means, Vector images, Raster images, Thematic tasks


The article deals with brief analysis of the situation in the field of creating software products that consist of graphic visual component. It was proposed and justified the necessity of introduction into the system of training specialists in the field of information technology (IT) a discipline aimed at getting acquainted with the basics of artistic design, studying the properties and qualities of artistic composition, an arsenal of tools allowing it to harmonize.

This gives opportunity to students to acquire basic knowledge in the field of composition theory and to form the skills and abilities to make harmonious compositional solutions in design of virtual products containing a graphic component or fully based on it. In the future, the knowledge and skills gained are developed in the study of such disciplines as “Computer graphics and WEB-design”, “WEB-technologies”, “Creating special effects in three-dimensional graphics”, “Geometric modeling”, “Graphics in mobile devices " et cetera. The studying of the proposed discipline allows us to avoid glaring mistake in terms of artistic perception of mistakes for designing internet resources, creation software product interfaces, models and scenes for computer games, as well as software implementation.

The article provides the reader with three-modular system for constructing an introductory discipline “Fundamentals of composition in a virtual environment”, including a block of theoretical material in the form of lecture course, laboratory practical work in a vector environment and a set of independently performed works within the framework of the proposed subject. The content of each module is considered and examples of student works, made in accordance with the assigned tasks, are given. Fragments of tasks of subsequent disciplines that require skills in working with images, models and scenes are given.

Students who have already gaduated have received such education have several advantages compared to other IT specialists in finding employment, as they are capable of creation a highly harmonious visual lineup and are goal oriented on team collaboration with professional designers

Author Biographies

Олена Анатоліївна Глібко, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»

кандидат технічних наук, доцент

Марія Олександрівна Максимова, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»

кандидат технічних наук, доцент


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How to Cite

Глібко, О. А., & Максимова, М. О. (2019). Design component in the system of tuition programmers. Theory and Practice of Design, 1(16), 32–41.


