Temporal municipal green spaces: levels of integration


  • N. Skliarenko Луцький національний технічний університет




Temporal green space, design-system, pop-up urbanism, organization, urbanism landscape, design, integration, levels of integration, integral environment.


In the article the features of forming of temporal municipal green spaces are exposed and the levels of their integration with an urbanism landscape are reasonable. We investigated that temporal green spaces are integral environments. They are able to accumulate different functions. Temporality, mobility and multifunctionness of these spaces are the reflection of sociocultural dynamics, ecological, economic and technical problems of municipal infrastructure. Integrating character of urbanism landscape foresees the association of the artificially introduced elements in the integral design-system due to planning of material, informative, power and sentinel connections. There are subject, structural-functional and system levels of integration. The subject level of integration is seen as an aggregate of the artificial constructions with flora elements (single objects, groups of objects and ensembles), introduced by a man in a natural environment. The structural-functional level of integration is characterized by insignificant mutual penetration of artificial elements and elements of the natural system. It is related to the changes of present coverages, editing of stationary equipment. The system integration as the greatest level of integral processes is based on the power bilateral co-operating of artificial and natural elements with the aim of creation of the integral system. System integration as foresees mutual penetration synthesis of methods of their planning. Principles of stratification, artificial penetration, free power and informative exchange between components artificial and natural systems expose the necessity of search new models co-operation with the use interdisciplinary design methods. The analysis of project features of temporal integral environment from positions system approach presents perspective development strategy of urbanism landscape.


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How to Cite

Skliarenko, N. (2018). Temporal municipal green spaces: levels of integration. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 174–185. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.15.13477


