Features of volumetric construction of television studios


  • D. Avramenko Луцький національний технічний університет




Television studio, designing, television, volumetric and spatial organization, planning, concert and theater studios, narrative, pavilion.


The article analyzes the features of the volumetric constructive construction of the television studio, which is done in the context of their differentiation into four subspecies (announcer, theatrical, concert, household) that form its classical form. In particular, the three-dimensional organization of the classical type of studio determines the general principle of organizing its space in specialized pavilions. Despite the fundamental differences in the volume-spatial organization of the television studio, they are characterized by common features, namely the division into three visual plans: the first, the second (large-scale scenery) and the background. The theatrical subspecies is used for "big" programs where scenery is used for a long time, and in the process of shooting or live broadcast, viewers are involved. The theatrical studios provide for the presence of a circular or semicircular (orchestra) or square scene that forms the foreground, and the viewers' chairs are located by ledges along the perimeter of the conditional scene, are very close to the first plan. Household subspecies of the volume-constructive form of television studios is one of the most popular ways of its subject-spatial organization. As a rule, such a subset of the shooting areas provides for imitation of the interior of a corresponding or demanded time period and destination. In the announcer studios, there are no viewers, respectively, the first plan is formed by the announcer with furniture, and the second medium dimensional decorations in which, as a rule, the background is absent. One of the main components of the volumetric-constructive form of television studios is a posterior pictorial plan. It serves not only and not so much as the "back wall" in the pavilion, but also performs the most important function of the background, carries an informational and visual graphic-visual load. Qualitatively elaborated background can transmit the necessary atmosphere and information of the television program to the viewer and support the overall emotional mood.


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How to Cite

Avramenko, D. (2018). Features of volumetric construction of television studios. Theory and Practice of Design, (15), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.15.13465


