Сomponent-elemental markers of femininity in costumes of Ukrainian designers


  • O. Yakymchuk Херсонський національний технічний університет




Collection of clothes, costume, femininity, design-projection, Ukrainian designers, Ukrainian Fashion Week, feminine markers, costume items, clothing, accessories, shoes.


The article highlights the problem of displaying femininity in the costume of Ukrainian designers. Suggested the use of characteristic costume elements as a marker of femininity within the three main subject-element groups (clothes, accessories, shoes). These include: clothes (dresses, skirts, blouses, corsetry, fur coats); accessories (jewelry (beads, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches, rings, pendants), headwear (hats, headbands, garlands, turbans, hoops, scarves, hats), scarf-panty products, stockings, tights, clutches, bags, mittens, umbrellas from the sun); shoes (shoes (boot shoes, ballet shoes, hairpins, heels, on a tanket, with an open sock), boots (on studs, heels, on a tanket, boots, stockings), bootills (on studs, heels, on a tankette), sandals (on studs, heels, on a tankette). Based on collected photographic material formed empirical research base, which is clearly represented in the empirical matrix of the indication of feminine markers costume of Ukrainian designers. Analyzed 114 collections of women's clothing of 36 Ukrainian designers presented on the Ukrainian Fashion Week shows from 2010 to 2018, using feminine costume items and indented them as feminine markers in the costume system. Graphically presented three degrees of counteraction of women's clothing, accessories and footwear within each group. Determine the specific weight of each element in the total mass of women's feminine costumes of Ukrainian designers. Confirmed stereotyped axioms regarding the use in designing a feminine costume such markers as dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes with studs and heels, as well as jewelry (earrings, necklaces).


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How to Cite

Yakymchuk, O. (2018). Сomponent-elemental markers of femininity in costumes of Ukrainian designers. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 170–180. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.14.13462


