Location of the veils in the altar space of St. Sophia of Constantinople: a holistic concept of the image


  • J. Matveyeva




Curtain, iconography, Justinian the Great, Empress Theodore, St. Sophia Constantinople, ciborium.


Tissues with images of Christ, the Mother of God, the Apostles, Justinian the Great and the Empress Theodora were one of the central images in the altar of St. Sophia of Constantinople. The tissues themselves are not preserved, but are described in detail in Paul the Silentiary’s poem in 563. Scientists did not have a single point of view, on where exactly these tissues were located. They were referred either to the curtains of the altar or to an endyte – a cloth that covers the top and all four sides of the altar like a tablecloth (ἐνδυτή). The article proves that according to the tradition of the arrangement of textiles in the altar, these were the curtains that were hung on the altar ciborium. This structure and the fabrics on it were very large, and they were clearly visible. The ciborium and veils constituted the central altar image, which influenced the impression of the whole altar decoration. By the method of analyzing the original Greek text and comparing the images described in it with other texts and monuments of art, I proved that the veils could be moved. They possibly rolled up from below and thus rose upwards, and when needed - they blossomed down like a sail. At the same time, the upper part of the veils constantly remained unfolded and the plots depicted in this part were constantly visible. The image of the lower part of the veil reflected the concept of the Church of Christ as His Body – the people of the Christian community. On the upper part, the miracles of Christ were depicted - which He does creating His Church. This concept persisted even when the lower part of the veil was raised, because the curtains revealed the sacrament of Communion – the real Body of Christ, by which the Church was built and unified. The scenes at the top of the curtain gave an understanding of what this main sacrament of Communion carries in itself – it was everything that Christ gave in his miracles to people – the satisfaction of thirst and hunger, recovery of sight and insight, healing and resurrection.


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How to Cite

Matveyeva, J. (2018). Location of the veils in the altar space of St. Sophia of Constantinople: a holistic concept of the image. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 111–123. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.14.13457


