Peculiarities of interior design-planning of modern restaurants outlined in ancient Chinese style


  • I. Kuznetsova
  • I. Taras
  • N. Kolosova
  • V. Onishchenko



Modern interior, ancient Chinese style, restaurant, traditional elements, symbolic, feng-shui, decorating, colour decision, composition, object filling, illumination, subjects.


In this article, ancient Chinese style, known  from the time of dynasty Thin, which is used now in restaurants was tested. Ancient Chinese  interior of dinner house was analysed. Such style is described by the definite colour spatial, constructive decision and decorative art. The principal of contrasting artistic arrangement is in it̕ s basis. Bright colour elements of decorative art are contrasted with dark furniture. Constructive decision is round and square in plane hollow columns and ceiling which are on them. Columns are considered the characteristic detail of modern interior in Chinese style. Plan decision of restaurants were situated in two-storeyed houses that consisted of general halls and separate apartments. At the spatial design zoning and combination in general composition of purposefulness and ornamentiality are used. Widespread exterior elements of traditional. Chinese architecture are the details of interior decorations of Chinese restaurants. Paculiarity of  light is in desire for naturalness. The lamps are hided behind half-clear paper or fabric shade. Solar and lunaz light is simulated. Colour is changed from light-yeallow and green to bright-red tone. Rhythm, action, stylization, prevalence of natures and animals theme are used for decoration of elements. Chinese style has its traditional motives, symbol, definite laws of construction of elements. Harmony and balance are feeled in the interior of such style. Simplicity in taken as a basis for designing of interior. Natural wooden furniture, silk or bamboo wallpaper, parquet and expensive fabric are used. Ancient Chinese style of interior conceptionly can be separated on luxurious palace interior and restful interior of Chinese estates. In modern restaurant  complexes, designed in Chinese style, peculiarities of using separate traditional and modern elements are determined. In interior, creative interpretation is reflected as a technique of stylization of national traditions. Stylization permits to change traditional décor into new one. Modern restaurants of Chinese style have one subject, they hold cultural traditions but have different conceptions of interior.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., Taras, I., Kolosova, N., & Onishchenko, V. (2018). Peculiarities of interior design-planning of modern restaurants outlined in ancient Chinese style. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 87–98.


