Infographic components in motion design


  • O. Vasylieva Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну
  • I. Vasylieva Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну



Design, motion design, animated info graphics, design, motion-design, info graphics, advertising, consumer, information, audience, spectators, symbols, visual perception.


The article deals with the problems of modern information design. The main directions of motion-design and areas of its application are determined. The main advantages of motion design products, among other types of video production in the field of multimedia, namely universality, wide coverage of the audience, informativeness and attraction of attention, are explored and distinguished. Animated infographics is defined the most relevant and demanded for the presentation of information in various spheres of activity and advertising. It identifies its main advantages, namely, the broadcasting of information in a more convenient form compared to the text equivalent and is understandable to a wide range of viewers of the presentation of material by means of signs and symbols that can understood by diverse viewers in different countries.  Among the main advantages of applying motion to the design of modern media – motion-design products used for the company's project: advertising video, corporate presentation, tutorials, webinar design, video art, used on mobile devices, etc. Wide coverage of the audience, another advantage of the use of motion-design, the created product can placed on the television both on the website, in social groups, networks, video portals, which allows you to bring your product to a wide range of viewers. Informative – motion-graphics allow you to tell complex things in a simple and understandable language. The types of infographic are determined according to the graphic structure and method of presentation of information. The types of sensory systems of perception by the audience of information have investigated, which has shown the effectiveness of providing visual information.  The main components of the infographic video singled out. 3 types of infographic design according to the structure of information representation, namely: "infographics-directory", "infographics-constructor", "infographics-comparison". The components that are important for the creation of infographic design are identified – symbolic symbolism, symbolic linkage and content, logic and sequence of presentation of information and dynamics of image elements.


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