Architectural inspiration in the design of a costume with skeletons as a way of popularizing the cultural heritage and achieving a tourist attraction


  • M. Artemenko



Costume with skeletons, architecture, inspiration, tourism, attraction, creative source, identification of territory, regional and cultural features, fashion design, fashion industry.


The article is devoted to the study of costumes with skeletons in the collections of world designers. The costume with skeletons is considered as a means of popularizing the architectural heritage and a promising way to increase the attractiveness of regions in tourism. Costume with frames is the closest architectonic structure to the objects of architecture and allows you to create creative imaginative images of complex form. Such a costume has wide opportunities for provoking attention to both the creativity of the designer in the fashion industry and his inspirational prototype. However, today prospects for a costume with frames in this context are few studies and are not sufficiently used in the practice of creating a tourist attraction and attracting attention to architectural objects in the aspect of presentation of the cultural heritage of the regions. The research is based on a systematic approach to costume with skeletons as a means of tourist attraction and popularization of cultural heritage, on analysis, systematization and static processing of the collected base of photo illustrative material of costumes with skeletons. The paper presents the results of an analysis of the collected and systematized base of photo-illustrative material with images of costumes with skeletons from collections of world designers, to which an associative-inspirational series of architectural objects is constructed. Countries identified on the fashion runway, which is in the collections of the designers there are costumes with skeletons. In the work the leaders among the designers are given by the amount of use of architectural inspiration in costumes with skeletons. And also, in accordance with the composition of the associative-inspirational series, localization of architectural objects is established, to which designers are most often drawn in search of inspiration. A kind of architectural structures is defined, which is the most popular creative source, associatively readable in costumes with skeletons.


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How to Cite

Artemenko, M. (2018). Architectural inspiration in the design of a costume with skeletons as a way of popularizing the cultural heritage and achieving a tourist attraction. Theory and Practice of Design, (14), 15–26.


