Combining realistic and metaforric elements of scenography with examples of expression of great scene


  • S. Trykolenko



Theater, set design, decoration, design, metaphor, symbolism.


In the article the film development trends, combining realistic illustrative and metaphorical opportunistic elements within a single scenographic solutions. Examples big stage performances of the National Academic Theater of Russian Drama Lesya Ukrainian, National Academic Drama Theater Ivan Franko, Kiev Academic Young Theater. The features correctly interpreting artistic decorative design that reproduces the set director setting issues. The author has chosen to study the performance of fundamentally different compositional solutions and radically different decorative modules to examples in their artistic techniques to identify the main supply gaming environment, seasoned by the principles of the most common trend today scenographic design.


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How to Cite

Trykolenko, S. (2017). Combining realistic and metaforric elements of scenography with examples of expression of great scene. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 216–225.


