Constructions of exhibition stands as an object of studend design


  • V. Ovcharek
  • R. Khynevych



Exhibition stand, planning of exhibition stand, open and closed stands, design times, graphic task.


The article considers the exhibition stands as part of the exhibition design. Is offered a generalized approach to the design of different types of exhibition stands in the preparation of the designers. The summarizing going is offered near planning of different types of exhibition stands at preparation of designers. Open and closed stands are considered with hierarchical classification of open stands (linear, angular, "peninsula", "island"). Four stages of  design of exhibition stands are studied. The features of creation of exclusive exhibition stands, that envisages individual approach on all stages of their making, are indicated. A graphic task for the students is considered incrementally on creation of draft design of exhibition stand. . Directions of development of design of exhibition stands and preparation of corresponding specialists are certain.


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How to Cite

Ovcharek, V., & Khynevych, R. (2017). Constructions of exhibition stands as an object of studend design. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 183–190.


