Esthetic features of the high-tech style


  • L. Gnatiuk
  • M. Orischenko
  • O. Bazilskaya



Esthetic, interior design, style, high-tech, innovations, reflective materials.


The article іs considered the ways of forming a high-tech style that recognizes the aesthetics of technology, preserves the balance between aesthetic categories. Fine and ugly. It is revealed that in this style form and construction become inseparable. The aesthetics of the high-tech style is considered, which compares art with technique. Hi tech refers to the concept of architecture, the aesthetics of which are based on the high quality of the structures obtained by using the latest technologies and engineering achievements. The use of innovative materials with reflective properties in modern interior design is defined. It is revealed that the interiors of this style use artificial materials with their ability to easily transform the shape, plastic of all kinds - hard and flexible, transparent and opaque, smooth or with pronounced texture. Сold shine of steel, chromium and aluminum, elements of the interior.


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How to Cite

Gnatiuk, L., Orischenko, M., & Bazilskaya, O. (2017). Esthetic features of the high-tech style. Theory and Practice of Design, (12), 60–68.


