Learning process modeling while teaching engineering graphics


  • D. Kuchkarova Tashkent institute of irrigation and melioration
  • D. Achilova Tashkent institute of irrigation and melioration




Graphic disciplines, modeling of educational process, qualimetric estimation, positive and negative factors, interrelation between factors.


Matters connected with arisen problem situation while teaching graphic disciplines are considered in this article. Sharp reduction of academic hours for graphic disciplinesstudy and increased requirements for education quality causednecessity to develop new ways of teaching this discipline. One of the possible approaches to improve the situation is redefining the content and forms of teaching engineering graphics. To determine the qualimetric estimate of students used method for constructing the tree of properties. The qualimetric estimation of a student is offered on the basis of internal factors. Positive and negative factors influencing successful training are investigated. Management of the learning process is achieved by the continuous monitoring of students' knowledge. For each academic group calculated integral indicator of progress. Identified the most of significant factors among positive and negative ones. Analytical dependencies are determined allowing to manage the educational process

Author Biography

D. Kuchkarova, Tashkent institute of irrigation and melioration

Doctor of technical sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Kuchkarova, D., & Achilova, D. (2017). Learning process modeling while teaching engineering graphics. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 99–107. https://doi.org/10.18372/2415-8151.11.11883


