Current color solution featuresin interiors on modern ships


  • I. Kuznetsova National Aviation University
  • H. Shepel National Aviation University



Sea vessel, interior, color solution, comfort, modernity, type of ship, cruise ship, yacht, boat cargo, purpose vessel.


A color is one of the main compositional techniques which are used to design the vessel interiors. It provides ability to balance the physiological and psychological comfort. Interior color palette will vary depending on the purpose of the vessel. The color palette on the cruise ship is aimed at leisure passengers. The existing priority of colors on a cruise ship – beige – brown. Choice of color in the interior it depends on the preferences of the owner on yachts. The main color used in yacht interiors – white. The interior color solution of cargo ship depends on the funds allocated by the owner and solutions of the captain. Analysis indicates the existence tradition in the color scheme of the interior courts and the lack of existing accounting of the latest scientific advice on the use of color in the design of interior. Color solutions in the interiors of the considered types of vessels determined through visual – graphical analysis of the 1000 images and conduct a survey of seafarers working on different types of ships.

Author Biography

I. Kuznetsova, National Aviation University

The doctor of art criticism, Сand. Techn. Sci, Professor


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova, I., & Shepel, H. (2017). Current color solution featuresin interiors on modern ships. Theory and Practice of Design, (11), 89–98.


