Development of ergonomic and esthetic protective clothes for workers of civil aviation


  • A. Rubanka
  • T. Lutsker
  • N. Ostapenko
  • M. Kolosnichenko



Protective clothing, ergonomic clothing, Civil Aviation, protective overalls, rescue work.


In article the design ergonomic decision of protective clothes for maintaining a wrecking in civil aviation is offered. On the basis of studying of service conditions it is developed a new design of protective overalls which is esthetically and ergonomically expedient. By association of already known constructive knots, such as volume elbow pieces and kneecaps, folds in a zone of shovels, strap and buckles for adjustment on a figure, air vents, etc.; and creations of new constructive knots, such as a new fastener of overalls and the new solution of a back, it was reached a problem of creation effective and ergonomic protective clothes for rescuer.


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How to Cite

Rubanka, A., Lutsker, T., Ostapenko, N., & Kolosnichenko, M. (2015). Development of ergonomic and esthetic protective clothes for workers of civil aviation. Theory and Practice of Design, (8), 250–255.


